
Post Super(dip)Bowl

The Super Bowl has come and gone and my panties are still in a wad because of the Giants win. Not that I was cheering on the Pats, but the Giants....? As far as sports go, I am over it. Not a big football fan (LOVE NASCAR-more on that later)). I do like the parties that go with football, oh.. and the commercials. The whole family went to Kay and Mike's, our family away from family. Being from Jersey, we have adopted their family as our Carolina family. At this little gathering of only 3 other families was no less than 6 kinds of dips. I have a dip addiction that no amount of will power or any 12 step program will help me to overcome. Being on a life style change and 6 flavors of dip do not mix. It'd be safe to say that I "sampled" the dips. My version of sampling and someone's else's may be like comparing bananas to tube socks. My hell to pay is a carb hangover. I have this wicked headache that I haven't been able to shake and it is more than my typical "I hate my job" headache. Remember, carbs in excess are evil. Tomorrow is weigh in day. I'll see then how much I'll regret the dip overload. But it sure was gooooood! ;)


kay said...

hope your head feels better soon!!

have a big salad with dinner. that should help some! :)

blog author said...

a carb hangover huh? sounds like fun.