
Oh No!

I am trying to figure out what I have just agreed to do....... To go tent camping with Wheezer's troop. In March no less! What the hell was I thinking? The weather can either be very pleasant, like an early spring day(can't you almost smell the flowers?) Or it can be a vicious later winter weekend, with wind, rain, snow(?). The kind of March weather that "In like a lion" brings to mind". Hopefully it'll be the lamb. I mentioned to Sheila that I'll bring my air mattress. Ooops- I was informed there is no electricity!!! If there is no electricity, is there running water? A bathroom, that is indoors and not in the middle of a field somewhere? Bugs, what about bugs? Are bugs still dormant in late March? Well, what do you eat? Oh that's right, over an open pit fire! I have the cool cast iron dutch oven that they want me to bring along. What a minute!! I am catching on now.. they don't want ME, they want MY cool cast iron dutch oven! I wonder what the rules are about sneaking in little discreet flasks filled with a little something -wink wink, nudge nudge. I'll bet it was a girl scout leader who invented the little discreet flask after a camping trip just like the one I am about to undertake. The one where she had no electricity, running water, a toilet somewhere in a field with leaves for toilet paper, and a camp full of @#&*#@* 13 year old girls!! Worse case scenerio-a snow storm, I freeze to death, become a mom-popscicle, never have to work again because the frost bite has destroyed my toes,(wait, that'll be a good thing not ever working again!) or my body will never function the same after a weekend sleeping on the cold, hard ground without an air mattress. Yes, I am looking foreward to the fun and bonding the weekend will bring.
PS- my ladybug inched foreward 5 lbs.!!!!!

1 comment:

kay said...

YIPEE on the moving ladybug!!

i love to camp. we have a super-duper warm professional sleeping bag (it's michale's) if you want to borrow it.