
Girl Scout Cookies are Everywhere

I have a secret to share........ it is girl scout cookie time! If you have gone anywhere near a grocery store the last 2 weekends you would be thinking "DUH!" Now, I have a special place in my heart for cookies, and it's not just because I am SUPER COOKIE MOM. No, I seriously support and believe in everything that Girl Scouting represents. It builds strong, confident young women who can conquer the world. I also support everyone else getting fat so I am not alone! Here's the deal with girl scout cookies that I have yet to figure out: The first day of "door-to-door" sales or what I call, "pleeeeaaassseeee buy cookies from my daughter....." begins on January 1st- the day normally known as "First day of my diet!" What the.....? Makes no sense on so many levels. Everyone is basically broke from that little holiday that just occurred a week before (can we all say Christmas?). Then most people come up with this brilliant idea to start a diet on New Year's Day because they just ate their way thru Christmas because of the stress of buying way too much crap the kids can not possibly appreciate. Now, let's send out the cute little girl with visions of selling a billion cookies so she'll qualify for the cool incentive that the girl scouts offer. This year it was glow-in-the-dark bangle bracelets, wow! But lets not forget the sales pitch, "get them now or wait til next year". So you buy; you buy from me, you buy from your friend's granddaughter, the office mate's niece, the next door neighbor's grand niece living in Timbuktu.
So now you have a trillion boxes of yummy, delicious girl scout cookies that come around only once a year. They must be pretty special, so you eat one, just one you say to yourself... Hell.... what happened to that box of Samoas? Did you see where it went? Off you go to the grocery store during the month of February and lo and behold, there's a Brownie here, a girl scout there and over there a senior scout, all hawking their delicious cookies you can only get once a year. Now, since you "lost" that box of Samoas somewhere, you must replace it because those cookies only come around once a year. While you are at it, you buy a box of thin mints because they do freeze really great! Finally, March comes around, you balance the check book and realize you bought $42.00 worth of cookies and you can't find them ANYWHERE! You happen to jump on the scale one morning and AHA! You found them, they are attached to your thighs and adding about 7 lbs. to that scale. Evil little things, because you can not eat just one or freeze them or hide them until July. Next year I am sticking to that diet no matter how many cute little girl scouts convince me I have to buy them now or wait til next year....
Thank you for supporting the Girl Scouts of America. You have just helped my daughter achieve her dreams and goals in life. Not to mention she is the proud owner of some really cool glow-in-the=dark bangle bracelets! And I have company in my quest to lose weight.

1 comment:

kay said...

ummmm thin mints.......